
2013年 上智大学文学部フランス文学科 卒業
2014年 桑沢デザイン研究所 中途退学
2018年 第7回ノート展キャラクター部門準大賞 受賞
2022年 画家としての活動を本格的に開始
2023年 個展「増田ソフィ 個展」GALLERY AND LINKS 81.bis
2024年 個展「CATS -増田ソフィ個展」ギャラリー懐美館代官山
個展「Friend of the Night」パレットギャラリー

Since I was a child, drawing has helped me overcome difficult times.
Currently raising a child with developmental disabilities, I have gained a particular understanding of indirect human communication.
I often draw cats standing on two feet. Their eyes seem like looking towards us, but they also seem to be aware of other things that are invisible to our eyes. They have no smile on their faces, but their postures are relaxed and non-threatening.
From the motif of a silent expression, only eyes tell things. They close their mouths tight, because a loose tongue is the mother of all troubles.
The settings that are shown in my paintings are constructions of subconscious space. They don’t exist in our observable physical world.
I draw mainly cats, sometimes devils and portraits. I draw compositions and motifs that were coincidentally born in my subconscious. Therefore, they seem whimsical, and humming like.
Especially cats are a perfect motif that reflects feelings beyond description and unknown phenomena.
The main theme of my paintings comes from loneliness, family, alienation, and relationships.
Born in 1990 in Aichi, Lived in Chiba for 11 years. Works in Tokyo currently.
2013 B.A., Faculty of French literature, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
Solo Exhibitions
2023 Masuda Sophie Solo Exhibition, GALLERY AND LINKS 81 bis., Tokyo, Japan
2024 CATS, Gallery Natsumikan Daikanyama, Tokyo, Japan
Friend of the Night, Palette Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Group Exhibitions
2023 Tyltyl-Mytyl, Gallery de Galant, Tokyo, Japan
2024 Heallie2406, GALLERY SUMMER of LOVE, Tokyo, Japan